



我猜不认识我的人认为我有一个国家的房子很多比这个奢侈的行为就是理发师的预期,”肯尼斯·巴特尔说近半个世纪以来国际知名和普遍庆祝“肯尼斯。”"As I don't think of myself as some kind of star," he explains, "I've never been tempted to carry on like one." Outlandish, then, by virtue of his very groundedness, Kenneth remains the class act of the hairdressing business.

最著名的,他供职的杰奎琳·肯尼迪的“卡米洛特”的日子。一个专栏作家甚至风格他“梳理肯尼迪夫人的时尚内阁部长,”另一个写道:“肯尼斯和杰基一样大的头发能得到。”He did, after all, create her indelible Inauguration Day bouffant, which he self-effacingly described at the time as "uncontrived fullness." And he also styled her hair for what would turn out to be her last two days as First Lady.



凯瑟琳·赫本修理,肯尼斯在1969年自1955年以来,她第一次理发和后来的皇后的泰国皇家法令禁止任何人站在她为他放弃。他的向导剪刀徘徊在凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆(在她获得普利策奖的自传后,她承认,她第一次约会”Kenneth自己…我最终寻找最好的”)在帕梅拉,他说他发现“同情和艰辛,总是愿意倾听,从不。。。我。。。我。。。我。。。-我没有从她自我。”And over and above Barbra Streisand, Judy Garland, Bunny Mellon, Faye Dunaway, Brooke Astor, Lucille Ball, Diana Vreeland, Marella Agnelli, Mia Farrow, Babe Paley, Carol Channing and Jayne Wrightsman. Philip Johnson once imparted to this writer that all his grand lady friends kept telling him to "hurry up and finish the ATT Building" so they could get past it unhindered on their way to Kenneth's salon.



很久了肯尼斯一直在寻找一个国家在纽约州北部哈德逊河谷,和一个,而且,看起来在河本身——“扩展视图的水世界,”他认为。“我的梦想是找到一个典型的美国格鲁吉亚,大约1800年。好吧,这房子是18年前建造的。”He bought it, he confesses, for the property—35 acres of woodland. It sits on one of those hills from which you get almost-360-degree views straight around. The real estate agent had described the house as a postmodern Colonial. "I didn't know what that meant," Kenneth says. "I called it a suburban. Being all white and high up and alone, it looked positively naked—it just loomed." He knew that he had to marry it to the land, and did so by painting it barn red with khaki trim. Then he planted some birches, because "I like their airiness, the sound of the wind blowing through them—it's a nice tree to have around the house, and it grows quickly."

所谓的郊区拥有5间卧室;几乎很多壁炉;10英尺的天花板在一楼,肯尼斯认为“救了它被完全普通”;礼貌的大窗户,光线,“伟大的清晰,同时柔软。”He laid down wide oak floors throughout, glassed in a screen porch, and completely renovated the four baths and the 20-by-35-foot kitchen, which enjoys the best view of the river.

“房子里,这是一种记忆的东西——一生的宝藏我发现。一些,我买了美元下跌和美元当他们抓住你,”肯尼斯笑着说。“所有的老朋友,可以这么说。”The most sentiment-steeped pieces are those salvaged from the burnt-out shell of the old salon. "Only a few things were restorable, and at the greatest imaginable cost. But hey, there was a lot of history there, not only my own but of the times—Irving Penn once said to me, You're in the middle of history here.' " The four gilt slipper chairs that had started out upholstered in leopard print in the salon's reception area have ended up, upholstered a little less ferociously in antelope, in the sitting room of Kenneth's house; and the pair of 1930s silver-painted tables that graced his personal workroom in the salon are now in his Hudson Valley dining room, on either side of the door.

“我认为我的餐厅是一个惊人的房间,”他说,继续跟踪其血统南希·兰开斯特和茶党他参加了在她的公寓Colefax和福勒商店在伦敦。“这是非常Havisham-cobwebs小姐和尘埃和破旧的窗帘。但是颜色!黄油,”她叫。明显的buttah。我见过的最美丽的黄色的。”Kenneth got Colefax and Fowler to part with a sample and had the color computer-matched. Then, never having been partial to Venetian glass "because it's usually pink and yellow," he had the good fortune to find a circa 1900 Venetian chandelier in a blue he approved. So out of storage came his cobalt Federalist candelabra and hurricane—and Irish and American—glass.


