




布瑞特已经翻新和装修市中心公园大道双和三层客户机。“我厌倦了没有一个真正的社区,”她解释道,“而且,我想要认真的视图和更多的光。”的designer even went apartment hunting with her. "One of the things I like about Tom is that he has great heart—he puts himself completely into everything he does."


几种可能的房地产之后,他们发现自己评估建筑物的萨顿领域两个公寓被结合在一起,而机械地接受一个完整的3500平方英尺的地板上。“我鼓励她去买它,”布里特回忆说,“因为我知道我的建筑设计助理,彼得·纳波利塔诺和我可以肠道并创建公寓她想,公共和私人的翅膀。这里,我必须说我们给她我包括公司的高级设计师,瓦伦蒂诺Samsonadze-a美妙的卧室,一个很棒的餐厅,一个令人难以置信的客厅……”的latter ended up being a whopping 40 feet long and the full building width wide and having three exposures. Into the bargain, the client also got two additional bedrooms, a dressing room with a view, a media room, a huge master bath and storage space to spare.

“她不喜欢尖锐的直角,所以我们做了两步冠模型让人想起1940年代,”设计师指出。他风格柚木地板和墙的走廊、客厅和餐厅梳理与石膏一个有趣的纹理效果。因为客户要求的中性背景家具(现代与古老的巧妙混合)、艺术(汉斯·霍夫曼的作品举行,亚历山大•Liberman Esteban韦森特和约翰·麦克劳林,等等),他梳理墙壁涂成白色亚麻布,线脚和护壁板光秃秃的白色,和天花板淡蓝色,除了在单色媒体室,在那里他们必须象牙。


在客厅里,布瑞特,他一直是讲究对称,超越自己通过创建相同的智能家具分组两端,包括他自己的沙发设计(一些无扶手的,其他武装)和滑块软垫椅子用红色泰国丝绸(“旧布里踢”)和不朽的中餐厅,瘫倒罐,一旦属于迈克尔·泰勒。他使用这个镜像artifice-one但双因为,他强调,房间太长:“我想,为什么不两端做同样的事情呢?”的client was thrilled. "It gives the room continuity," she says, "but what I really love is that those sofas have an L configuration, so whichever way you turn, it's like you're walking into a hug."



“媒体房间她希望很现代,很光滑,“设计师的评论。“我想,保持简单和灭亡的方式让弗兰克会这样做的。顺便说一下,我太累了听力的人直到昨天才知道jean - michel弗兰克是谁指jean - michel坦诚,我的意思是,我知道谁让弗兰克是在八岁的时候!”的Frankophilic Britt proceeded to have the whole room, including cabinetry, floor-to-ceiling paneling and a wall of bookcases, built of finely grained rift oak with a bleached and pickled finish.

客户端将她的卧室描述为“非常禅”。Another thing it undeniably is is feminine in its play of tones and textures: Take the smoothness of the suede walls, the ball-gown-like crispness of the taffeta draperies, the effervescence of the preternaturally thin silk of the undercurtains, and the sheer luxury of the silk-and-cashmere carpet. The latter's pattern of diamond shapes can reassuringly be seen to echo those on the mercury-glass doors to the adjoining dressing room; in such subtle ways as these the apartment becomes a triumph of blended boundaries.