




以前这对夫妇的房子,只有一块左右,太小了对于一个家庭来说,包括两个年幼的女儿,马蒂和艾玛,两杂乱地友好的腊肠。“没有人告诉你孩子扩大几何,”马特林说。“他们分散像橡皮泥一样。”So when Matalin saw a large double-width town house on the river, she told her husband that she had to have it. "We lead hectic lives," she says, "and looking at the water is so soothing."


主要是马特林自己的方式。“我有一个愿景,”她告诉设计师。“橙!”And orange, mixed with a more prudent red, is now the dominant color. On the living room walls. On the dining room walls. On upholstery. Orange is just about everywhere, in fact, except for the master bedroom, which is a restful Prussian blue, and the girls' rooms on the third floor, which are, by their choice, a shocking pink. "Ed and Bud never said no to me," recalls Matalin. "They never said, She's wacky!' Not even under their breath."

连同它的梯田,房子可以容纳多达250人,和各种团体和使人善待动物,为例子问他们能不能把一个事件或一个募捐者在“玛丽的地方。”Matalin, the vice president of the Washington Humane Society, usually agrees. When they walk into the living room, the first thing visitors see is a bodhisattva, palms raised in a gesture of reassurance. "James always gives it high fives," says Yeck. A long room, 45 feet, it is yet wide enough, at 18 feet, for easy circulation. "The length of the room gave us the opportunity to create three distinct areas for conversation," says Yeck. "In lots of arrangements guests sit like ducks in a row, and people have to get up out of their chairs to let other people out. You're never locked in here."


“玛丽和詹姆斯都有伟大的幽默感,“布沙尔说,“还有很多幽默和怪念头在这所房子里。”When the couple bought the house, the dining room was lit by a traditional crystal chandelier, an object not likely to raise so much as a smile. Yeck and Bouchard replaced it with a light fixture that looks something like a large, multicolored egg beater. Made mostly of acrylics, it has eight colors: red, green, purple, amber, blue, turquoise, rose and black. " Surreal' is a good description," says Bouchard. "We wanted something a bit cuckoo," adds Yeck.


2005年5月家庭搬进来,和马塔林不再担心。设计并不是完全卡维尔是现在到底是他的事情。说:“他的迷人的房子,他的妻子。“我总是骄傲的人,”卡维尔说。“住在这里后,很难对我来说,住在传统的房子里。”And when he walks down the street at night, people stop him, too, to comment on what they call his really red house. "Someday," he says, "they're gonna call the fire department."
