



温暖的夏天的一个晚上在洛杉矶,厄尼卡斯韦尔和唐纳德·克林德勒解决vine-draped凉廊与一双异常行为端正的斯塔福德郡犬来描述他们的优雅的地中海风格别墅的进化在崇高的邻居称为“鸟街道。”"We did everything wrong," begins Carswell, a light South Carolina drawl leavening his confession. "We couldn't afford the house to start with. Then we tore it down before we could get financing for construction. Then we learned that the plans we purchased with the property were all wrong."

他的坦率令人耳目一新一个小镇的信条可能“永远不让他们看到你流汗。”Carswell is a real estate broker whose boyish face is familiar to Angelenos as the purveyor of the prominently advertised Carswell Collection of residential properties. Kreindler, whose family founded the legendary 21 Club in New York, runs a blue-chip catering and special-events firm called 21 West. The pair met 24 years ago in Dallas and, following a three-year stint in New York, moved to Los Angeles in 1990. "We always lived down in the flats' and were very happy there," says Carswell. "But I see so many properties in my job, and I mentioned to Don that there was something up in the bird streets." "I saw the way the hills were set against the view and how the house was positioned," Kreindler interjects. "The potential was huge."


他撕毁了前面的停车场,取而代之的是一个诱人的庭院登上一个拱形的柱廊和冒泡锦鲤池塘。他把15双法式大门打开的房子后面,他安装了一个经典爬满葡萄枝叶形状的游泳池和一个小屋。他放大旧世界氛围回收的陶瓦和鱼类的屋顶烟囱灵感来自于美第奇家族的城堡del Trebbio。里,一切都被钉在天花板的提高和温暖暴露横梁,地板是穿着橡木和古董赤陶和壁炉与石灰石壁炉打扮。“我们的想法是要四个月,200000美元的翻新,“揭示Carswell)“最终花了两年的时间,花费——”“,”克林德勒有异议)。不要让他们开始在内部。

“这是之前我们的房子是什么样子你会看到在任何j . Crew目录,”卡斯韦尔说。“他们愉快的但不是唯一的。”Determined to entrust the interior design to professionals this time, they called on the man who had reimagined their home on the back of a napkin. An old New York friend who for the last couple of decades has worked with the prominent designer Mica Ertegn at MAC II, John C. Schaberg welcomed the chance to team with Ertegn on his friends' residence. "The house had a nice enfilade," he recalls. "The kitchen opened up to the dining room, which opened up to the living room. We wanted to keep that continuity and not do one room one way and another room another way. We started with a clean envelope and took it from 21 Club traditional to 21st century."



绘画和雕塑的多样化组合是精心指导下Schaberg Ertegn以及由Ertegn已故的丈夫,艾哈迈德,他的创始人是大西洋的记录,超过的时间和一些有趣的人际关系将这对夫妇通过爱德华Ruscha,罗伯特•劳森伯格和托拜厄斯基恩。“现在,当我们找到一些,我们还是邮件图片约翰,因为我们希望他们签署一切,”克林德勒说。也许这就是为什么一个客房的房子被称为云母的房间,另一个是约翰的房间——为什么每个房间一样的永久居民。