




两者之间的工作关系总是令人振奋的。兰开斯特·艾斯特强大的阿姨叫他们“最不快乐的未婚夫妇在英格兰。”It was the unique combination of their enthusiasms and talents—Fowler's knowledge, attention to detail and color sense and Lancaster's eye for scale and insistence on comfort—that led to the creation of their English country house look, a style that has lasted half a century.

尽管材料严重短缺,这激发了福勒时尚的布料染色陆军毯子,战后年标志着其鼎盛时期的开始。发现自己的乡间别墅,Odiham狩猎小屋,在1940年代末,福勒接近他的目的是“卑微的优雅”。"What I wanted here was something utterly unpretentious, very comfortable, with a veneer of elegance and informality." The pretty neo-Jacobean structure became, in the words of one later occupant, Fowler's "own personal Trianon." The country retreat, before that an earnest, spartan affair or something impossibly twee, would never be quite the same.

在公司的布鲁克街前提,福勒的办公室由他的“调色板”,墙上钉都是他最喜欢的样品和颜色;大多数面料作为Bowood chintz-were命名的房子,他已经发现了原始文档。他成立了一个私人语言的颜色名称,如“死鲑鱼”和“老鼠回来了”——南希·兰开斯特增加了臭名昭著的“新泽西州du多芬”和“vomitesse de la reine。”

基思·欧文,福勒的助理在1950年代,说他是“一个聪明的工头。”But there were "fraught days, when, if John was being super-difficult, the best way to defuse the situation was to get him onto his pet subject, Marie Antoinette." As evidence of the jocular rumor that Fowler was her reincarnation, his staff would say that he "entered every room sideways, as if managing an invisible pannier dress."

