



如果整个指数大于各部分的总和,它是由于人捡起碎片。匀整,easy-flowing复式公寓,你看—冠状头饰古典风格公园大道建筑最初作为一个公寓,然后切碎,切断了。这对夫妇买了主块,现在休息,将它们结合自己的时尚。“我们伤了两个厨房,两个客厅,“老公,一个私人股本投资者,坦白。“我们stymied-we只知道我们不想要的,这是恢复到原始。布局设计不同的一代,有大量的小仆人的房间。”To solve their residential Rubik's Cube, they called in two accomplished wonder-workers, Oscar Shamamian and Mariette Himes Gomez.


Shamamian的挑战在于把所有元素和杂乱的计划使他们成卷的空间与理性。“但与给定数量的房间requirements-five卧室+几个主要房间+提供他们所需的循环——5000平方英尺是消耗很快,”他回忆说。尽管如此,由此产生的地板计划(比before-yielded far-better-proportioned的典型布置房间,在第一个层面上,一个两层高的入口画廊,慷慨的客厅,餐厅和图书馆工作的套房,和一个大厨房,第二,一个宽敞的主人,为每个孩子一个单独的卧室,和一个巨型游戏室。



“我们没有认真对任何特定时期的家具,”戈麦斯说。奖品是无可置疑地圆形餐桌。“这是唯一适合的多用途的目标,”丈夫讲话,指的是事实,它的大小减少了一次,再一次。“我相信轮tables-they对群体会话更好,”声明了妻子,谁是参与各种慈善活动。的设计师,以建立和平衡每个房间她绕着它的几何图形,直接总结圆桌:“他们动态、自旋空间”。Ellsworth Kelly's 18 Colors Cincinnati, long and skinny, plays off against the shape of the table (itself reinforced by the spherical chandelier above it). Gomez, knowing that a big chunk of mahogany can be dangerously heavy, covered the backs as well as the seats of the dining chairs with a soft, self-effacing fabric.

六塞•托姆布雷携手在纸上作品定下了基调和调色板的客厅。“客户是想处理它们放在一起在一个墙,”她说。“我放在房间的四周所以你坐任何你可以体验他们。”Gomez customarily hangs all the art. "If it's properly scaled with every other thing in a room, it will feel integral and comfortable; it should never be gallery-hung—you know, where everything marches." Because there's a grayish-green tint to the Twomblys, she was especially careful with the carpet, picking out a light-colored Tabriz. "You don't copy or match the art, you play to it. We're talking about references so subtle you shouldn't even be aware of them—you should feel them but not see them." When it came to placing the furniture, so as not to overload a space that "wasn't exactly English-drawing-room size," she floated it all into the formerly dead center of the room.

1940年代Adnet写字台的大图书馆窗口长而窄,覆盖着luggage-colored皮革(Adnet与爱马仕,戈麦斯指出的那样)。没有任何窗口或门Shamamian建造了一个书架。“如果你有一个美丽的图书馆”——设计师手势就要像在沙发上面,壁炉的斯特拉——“你应该使用它。”In fact, the couple share the desk, working side by side.

大师套件是“vanilla-I的意思是,你有多少种方法描述白?”Gomez asks rhetorically. Well, as the writer Ali Smith dazzlingly rhapsodized, there's "the white before green"; there's "blue-sky white, heat-haze white"; there's "the white of sun, the white that's behind all the colors there are…open-mouthed white…white spilling over itself"; there's even "the white that longed for bees, that wanted you inside it, dusted, pollen-smudged." Gomez is a designer who appreciates just how complex white can be.
