



客户的短暂Mariette为了戈麦斯是一项艰巨的一个:“你做过的最好的房子。”But to the designer, it was less a challenge than an invitation. A self-described minimalist with a strong classic sensibility whose work is more client-driven than style-driven, Gomez immediately took to the 1929 French Normandy–style house on the shores of Lake Michigan. "It's a masterpiece of building," she says, "with lovely details throughout. What it needed was the perfect balance of appropriate furnishings and decoration."

找到平衡,戈麦斯很幸运地有一个热情和同情客户,是谁,她说,“难以置信。”A financial services professional with a young family, he had spent several years in Europe, where he developed an eye for English and French antiques and art. Gomez was also teamed with architect Marvin Herman, whose responsiveness to his client's instincts echoed hers and whose passion for the project was infectious.


说:“这所房子是一个魔术师,赫尔曼。“这是非常匀称和平衡。它有一个引人入胜的历史。第一个主人是一个业余歌剧歌手,他创建了一个两层为她的表演音乐画廊;它的双臂楼梯导致第二个层次阶段。”In 1931 she added a Prohibition-era entertainment room with a bar area hidden behind paneling that opened at the touch of a button. And as an antidote to cold midwestern winters, the walls were covered with canvas panels depicting a fanciful, vaguely Moroccan seacoast, lush with date palms; the floor was paved with cobalt-blue Mediterranean tiles, and the ceiling was painted with silver leaf. The rest of the house was somewhat less whimsical but equally rich in detail: The dining room was paneled in walnut, the music gallery's walls were picked out with plasterwork, and the library's ceiling was coffered with 1,000 squares, each imprinted with a different rose. But by the time the client saw it, the house had suffered from the vicissitudes of time, including water damage, and the depredations of a previous owner's dog, whose sprints through the double-height gallery had left deep claw marks in the parquetry floor.



同时,戈麦斯是解决如何使自己的无形的工作。“我总是要给自己一个论文当我做一个项目,”她说,“在这种情况下,我想让房子看起来好像它一直存在。”She began by purchasing a variety of soft-hued antique carpets, their palette establishing the whole tone of the house. She then called on Donald Kaufman to mix wall colors for each room. "It was a huge undertaking to get the interiors to look mature," she says.

戈麦斯是得益于她的客户的眼睛,正如她所说的,“非常高质量的英语家具。”A trip with him to the Olympia antiques fair in London yielded an extraordinary mahogany bookcase, its fabric-screened cabinet doors still sporting the original silk. Later finds included a massive partners desk, made in 1860 after a design by Thomas Chippendale, a Viennese carved oak library table and matching chair (an unusual pairing) and a set of Regency chairs and matching settee. An Anglo-Indian round table with whimsically carved legs is the centerpiece of the understated entrance hall. "Part of my job description," Gomez says, "is to find the perfect place for every piece."

她也是,在她看来,“馆长谁使它所有的工作”——设计之间的一个平衡体系结构、设计和客户的口味。118高手论坛一个恰当的例子是前音乐画廊,现在客厅,明星吸引力的观点是通过天窗窗的中心湖东部的墙。戈麦斯选择furnishings-including摄政餐具柜和桌子,一双深,舒适的沙发复制从一个原始Syrie Maugham-for线条和中性色调,以免与视图。什么将是一个焦点在任何其他房间,雷诺阿买下她的客户,一个的印象派和早期现代主义绘画在他的收藏,而是在餐具柜放在一个侧墙的姿态,轻视它的重要性和集成到房子的生活。

这个手势是设计师和建筑师的成就在这个住所。没有出现“完成”;一切都和谐,整个,最重要的是,个人。说:“一个好的设计师Mariette为了戈麦斯,“是人让客户创建他们自己的历史。这些人完全知道自己想要什么都准备好了。”Fortunately for them, they found partners who could take them where they wanted to go.