





理查德将洛杉矶建筑师理查德·兰德里,他们设计了其他几个区域的房屋说服了几个他是做这项工作的人了。Brian夫妇,兰德里面临的主要挑战和他的伙伴,是如何协调bartlett的渴望空间,光和广阔的观点与地中海词汇和当地建筑审查委员会的艰难的决定。“他们有严重的高度限制,”兰德里解释说。斜坡”,但因为很多,我们可以有两个故事,虽然前面是一个单层的房子。”That's a diplomatic way of saying: one year for permits, one year to sink caissons into the slope and two years to build. The two-story rear elevation makes the most of the views and descends dramatically to terraced lawns and the tennis court. In front, the Bartletts' request for a pool sheltered from the coastal winds inspired an entrance courtyard bordered by a stone wall, the house and a loggia.


“这是当代地中海,”兰德里说。“使用这种混合架构是一个危险的东西,但建筑审查委员会陪审团只是喜118高手论坛欢它。”From the tranquil courtyard, one proceeds to a stone-clad entrance with a glass door that looks straight through the house to the Pacific Ocean below. The one-and-a-half-story great room is a soaring space saturated with western light. On one side it opens onto a spacious kitchen. The master bedroom sits on the other side—at a comfortable remove from the children's bedrooms. In all of these rooms, floor-to-ceiling windows exploit the jaw-dropping views. (A family room and screening room take up the rest of the lower floor.)

自始至终,旧世界建筑师之间保持微妙的平衡。外部元素(如圣芭芭拉分校毛石,酸洗混凝土柱,饱经风雨的木头横梁看起来像在家里一样美第奇城堡。但是,兰德里指出的那样,“如果你看看详细内外,非常减少。有一个清洁、纯净的空间。”Inside, rooms flow easily into each other. Lines are straight; ornamentation is minimal. The copious windows are metal-framed and unadorned, fitted with concealed electric shades instead of draperies.

所有的纯洁,这是一个非常舒适的家。“这必须是一个家庭的房子,艾琳·巴特利特说。“我们有三个孩子,我想我们都可以享受的东西。”The kitchen, which seats 10, and the loggia, which easily accommodates 16, take the place of a formal dining room. And the lower floor, with its entertainment areas and bedrooms opening onto the backyard, is a teenager's fantasy. "We wanted to make sure our kids had enough space where they could be with their friends and have fun," says Peter Bartlett.


这并不是“一个项目,客户说,在这里,把钥匙,我们会看到你最后,’”潘德说。她花了几个月的购物与艾琳·巴特利特从古董到现代家具。说:“他们的品味是不同的设计师,“所以我真的集中在结构和规模,确保将一起看起来不错。”Peter Bartlett fleshed out these acquisitions with a selection of Ushak rugs and works by artists like Marion Wachtel and Richard MacDonald.
