

赤红色的墙提供了丰富的背景沙龙的艺术品和家具。李Jofa flame-stitch沙发织物。


一个优雅的,娇小的女士在羊绒和钻石我们将打电话给夫人X是南美家族的族长与房屋在几个大洲。这是一个组织严密的家族,并加入它,她说,“你必须爱马。”Every winter, three generations jet north to spend the season in Palm Beach, Florida. "We're drawn by the sporting life more than by the social scene," she explains. "My husband is an avid polo player, and our daughters, who ride competitively, both married great equestrians."


Chilean-born莫利纽克斯是一个明显的选择,即使他和女婿没有老朋友和滑雪的同伴。他可能喜欢的马力的哈雷马球小马,但他的方法设计是无可挑剔的。”胡安-帕布鲁的口味是完美的,我们完全信任他,“说X小姐。“信心是至关重要的,当你昂贵的决策在一个距离,从样本或一张照片。”As Molyneux explains, "The polo season had just started in Europe when we got the green light, so the family was abroad. The husband's directives were succinct: Preserve as much as you can,' he told me, but do as much as you can.' " But if his clients gave Molyneux free rein creatively and were philosophical about the "budget" (the word makes Doña X smile faintly), they also imposed a draconian time constraint: "a year or nothing." "We actually had about 10 months," says Molyneux, "and a late hurricane in November brought work to a halt for a few crucial weeks." But by the move-in deadline"in early January"the doors opened to a revelation.


虽然没有人会指责Molyneux节俭,他接受了这个挑战传授他的不可言喻的邮票的区别,“没有做任何重大拆迁。”To aerate the solemn entrance hall, he bleached the woodwork and the cupola "so that the space now feels like a lighthouse." Low-browed arches dividing the salon from the main gallery were replaced with a graceful, Ionic colonnade. He managed to conserve most of the millwork, but he embellished the moldings, lightened the paneling, coffered the ceilings and disguised some of the less felicitous ornamentation with trompe l'oeil finishes. In that respect, the walls of the main salon are a paradigm for the whole project. "The shine of the Venetian plaster doesn't come from a coat of varnish," Molyneux explains. "The pigment is built up in layers so that it glows from within." The décor was also built up in layers: a subtle accretion of detail, texture and luminosity.



“很多棕榈海滩的房子,”莫利纽克斯说,“是装饰像度假村酒店。我的模型对这一个既舒适又多个经典:冬宫。每个房间都有一个壁炉。每个房间都有华丽的窗帘。和情绪的节日。”It is festive most sublimely in the formal dining room, a fantastical jewel box that Molyneux describes as his "homage to Mizner." Neither the homage part nor the Mizner part is immediately obvious until Molyneux ticks off an inventory: "Gilt-embossed leather walls, a Regency-style table, Queen Anne chairs, a Venetian chandelier, a Roman cabinet, Imari dishes, a Louis XIV console, Japanese vases and a coral ceiling of Chinese lacquer." Mizner, in the end, was a conjurer: an American illusionist whose work transcends the pastiche of styles he imported to Florida. Molyneux channeled that sleight of hand by creating a patrician vernacular"an expression of ease and solidity"that gave a new body an old soul.