



楼上,球拍是什么?”Pilar Molyneux asked her husband, Juan Pablo, about the din emanating from the garret above their apartment in Paris. The Molyneux live in a venerable, three-story mansion in the Marais—the Hôtel Claude Passart, which was begun in 1618 and configured like the Louvre, with three wings bracketing a cour d'honneur. On the first floor, Juan Pablo Molyneux has his offices and design studio—the European headquarters for a practice that has made him the guru of grandeur on several continents. The couple's French pied-à-terre (their main residence is a New York town house) occupies the楼层高贵,多年来他们已经能够购买最多,但尚未全部property-some 10000平方英尺六个单独的所有者。“革命以来,”他解释说,“当建筑被没收和出售,它一直虐待:修补用廉价的材料或分区没有任何考虑架构的完整性。118高手论坛我的贡献已经恢复丢失的尊重。”The garret, however, belonged to a small, unglamorous business that had lowered the ceilings and divided the space into a warren of cubbyholes with plastic baseboards, glaring spotlights and commercial carpeting, which did little to muffle the clatter of footsteps above the couple's bedroom. "Don't worry about the noise, darling," the designer reassured his wife. "I'm sure they're just moving furniture."

“他们”是一个熟练的工匠秘密雇佣船员莫利纽克斯,他终于成功地收购了阁楼作为皮拉尔一个惊喜的礼物。人在隐形把沉闷的办公室变成一个神奇的aerie-a独立的客人公寓屋檐下,听觉上缓冲从下面的主人套房。装饰满足之一莫利纽克斯最古老的梦想,他说:要创建自己的版本的18世纪早期内部圣Petersburg-at Menshikov宫殿,他爱上了作为一个学生。“当我把皮拉尔访问Menshikov第一次的经历是对我们双方都既移动,”他说。“我想让她了解美丽的幸福的启示我有作为一个19岁的男孩。旅途中一直是灵感的源泉,我存档的第一印象的奇妙的房间拥有一种直觉,总有一天我会有机会设计出相同的风格:墙壁和天花板完全穿着蓝白相间的代尔夫特。


大部分的建筑是在皮拉尔莫利纽克斯安全地听不见。丈夫剥夺了阁楼的骨头,提高了折线形屋顶,暴露了梁和重新配置空间两个崇高salons-symmetrical金字塔镶木地板de凡尔赛宫和嵌入窗口周围穿着石灰岩。光流从街道和庭院,保持开放的感觉,同时提供定义一端一个接待区和一个图书馆,他取得中央烟囱乳房有两个温热的段落。”为美国国家航空航天局的科学家们会告诉你,瓦是一个几乎完美的绝缘体,”他说,“这也是理想的解决方案绝缘旧巴黎的房子的顶楼,烘焙或随季节而发冷。”A galley kitchen and laundry are discreetly concealed behind an upholstered wall of brass-studded blue linen off the dining area, which is furnished with a Russian table—an antique demilune of mahogany and brass—and 18th-century Venetian chairs. A Knole sofa bed anchors the seating zone near the stone fireplace, and a playful gouache by Horacio Sosa Cordero—架构师挂在上面。“但总的来说,”莫利纽克斯坦言,“我想看看我能去法国。”Among his ultra-Gallic treasures are a fine pair of Régence armchairs with their original tapestries; an Aubusson carpet; a Louis XVI marquise covered in cognac leather; a Louis XV daybed flanked by two important revolutionary-era pedestals; and two Louis XV fauteuils, signed "Cresson," drawn up companionably to a Louis XVI gueridon. The blue-and-white silk jacquard on the library/bedroom walls—a royalist motif of fleurs-de-lis—is from the house of Prelle, in Lyon, France's oldest silk manufacturer (in business since the 18th century). The exalted provenance of the furnishings, however, is ultimately less dazzling than Molyneux's finesse in orchestrating such a complex symphony of pattern and color. "It's a cosmopolitan ensemble," he allows with just pride, "and in that sense, it pays homage to its model. Yet it's totally Parisian."

莫利纽克斯已经结婚31年,也就是说,傻瓜也不会长久。皮拉尔开始怀疑,当她注意到神秘失踪的一把椅子,一个突出的烛台,从他们的居所。她的丈夫告诉她,他已经“苏富比发送几件事。”"For which sale?" she asked. The crew was duly instructed to suspend their hammering whenever she was in residence, and these interruptions delayed the project. After seven months, however, the work was done, the floors waxed, the shades hung, the tables set, flowers in water, champagne chilled and—says the doting schemer—"I just handed her the keys. Her first reaction was that I had gone mad. Her second reaction was that the apartment had been waiting for her, exactly as it was"—a revelation of beauty and happiness—"forever."