




然而,蒙托亚相信“命运会带给我。”But if some people are drawn to the United States because of failure, frustration and blocked opportunities where they grew up, Montoya was not one of them. His great-grandfather was a novelist whose most successful book was translated into more than 10 languages, and his father was a diplomat who came from a diplomatic family.


他的早期创作的开始回忆。他的母亲发现他感兴趣的绘画和安排他去上课。“他们总是在外面,不会,”他说。他学会了与艺术家的眼睛“结构、颜色和基调。”During those years Montoya first displayed the talents he would later use. "I started making cardboard houses; they had two or three garages. I'd bring my friends and tell them that they could buy one. I'd also include the furnishings." For some of them he did everything—the sofa, the chairs, the tables. "I rememember that time of my life being very happy."






然后蒙托亚的生活绕道。“我已经与西联国际工作。他们问我打开南美市场。它非常成功,他们给我提供了一份工作在西班牙。我22岁,他们给我提供了一个位置,将支付一个司机。”Montoya was tempted, but, he says, "I spoke to a friend, and he asked me, Is that what you really want to do?' I thought about it for a long time before I made the decision to leave the company and go back to school. So far I have never regretted it."

奖励和价值体系在纽约帕森斯设计学院的大大不同于一个大公司。“当我进入帕森斯,”他解释说,“他们说,这些职业并不一定意味着你会有一个安全的收入。听起来很困难,但它没有打扰我。”Moneymaking, he says, "was not my intention."

毕业后,蒙托亚登陆他的第一委员会的帮助下他的女朋友,他是在公共关系和客户在巴黎找别人做他的公寓。蒙托亚没有以前的佣金,但是他得到了那份工作。“我是独自一人。我没有助理,什么都没有。这是一次令人愉快的关系以及丰厚的经济回报。”The project allowed him to stay on in Paris, but it did not lead to more work. He ended up in Italy working for a furniture company, where he gained valuable experience, but it was a dead end. He got a letter from a friend cautioning him that his expat existence was taking him nowhere, a warning that, the designer says, made him decide to return to the United States.


设计这些办公室要求最接近的对细节的关注,和蒙托亚是如此擅长的工作,吸引了如此多的业务,他与一线员工伤口15。工作结束后突然一天他的老板叫他在说,“我不需要你的服务了。”The reason he was given the sack, Montoya surmises, was jealousy.

所以蒙托亚回家画他的失业补助。但是,他说,“医生们开始叫我!”At first he referred them to his old firm, but they would tell him, "I want you, and it's my money." And he was on his way.

今天蒙托亚之间波动的员工12和14人工资足以使他思考“我要如何接下来的检查。”Other factors in the work are also a source of tension. "I am a detail person 100 percent, and I find that some people, especially contractors and people in the trades, are not always on the same page. They don't necessarily care about what they do. I get good service in Europe, except that there they take their time. Here it is trouble with quality and control."

蒙托亚为我所做的一切,他仍然期待有项目。“我做了一架飞机,一艘船,但是我想做一个餐厅。我想做一个医院,我想做一个教堂。”Given his tenacity, without a doubt, he will.