





她的内部通常是清新自然的,unself-conscious, unstrained-perhaps因为,一起在拉的房间里,她沿着通常简单地“感觉”。事实上,准确和谨慎Parsons-trained阿尔伯特·哈德利,自1964年以来姐姐教区在著名的伙伴,她的口语风格的工作“巴洛克风格”和“随心所欲”。What, then, was the secret of her rooms' glinting radiance? Their ingredients were repeatedly these: floors elaborately painted and stained; Anglo-Franco furniture that had seen good—but definitely not better—days; flashes and flares of daredevil color (yet she always knew how not to go too far); masses and slashes of luscious chintz (nobody could bring a room to flower better than Sister Parish); crocheted throws and needlepoint pillows and chair covers; humble mattress ticking for slipcovers; hooked rugs and rag rugs; starched organdy; botanical prints; painted lampshades; dog paintings; exotic-wood bookcases; white wicker; patches of quilts; and bales of baskets.


她的客厅:他们友好的世界——“四个舒适40、舒适。”And her bedrooms, Billy Baldwin raved, were "the most attractive, seductive, and luxurious ... of any decorator in America ... simply the best thing that has ever been in the history of the art." Her libraries, sitting rooms, and morning rooms also had a convincingness, a depth as well as a warmth, looking as if they had evolved naturally around their owners over time. Not only were the objects and pieces of furniture themselves occasionally offbeat and frequently arranged offhand, they were sometimes even actually placed off-center, for Sister Parish believed that, as someone once said, "to be perfect the perfect must be imperfect." Nonpareil, then, in tenor, timber, and tone (undertones being as important to her as overtones), they were all rooms in which the center held.

1910年她出生多萝西可能Kinnicutt(昵称的妹妹给她的弟弟,卡)在新泽西州狩猎的核心国家,相同的四柱,她仍然睡在一个octogenarian-continuity运行主题在她的生活和她的工作。在纽约和她的父母保持立足点在缅因州,另一个强大的终生影响,立足在巴黎,所以她被暴露和disposed-early艺术品和古董。但她的品味和判断都是天生的,而不是学习。她会第一个告诉你,她开始“知道”很少,没有读一本关于装饰或任何类型的学徒。她参加了查宾特,使她首次亮相,并爱上了亨利教区II, 19岁时嫁给了她。他们搬到一个白色的小农舍在山,新泽西,在那里,已经本能的“生活方式”的先驱,她没有时间在应用白色条纹纸墙,使用白色窗帘床垫布,粉刷卧室的地板上樱桃红与白色钻石,和白色的真丝塔夫绸覆盖床边界的花朵。

三年后,当大萧条打击她的丈夫和她父亲的资产,她做了一件闻所未闻的圆和去上班。租14-by-14-foot房间远山以35美元一个月,她用柳条椅和桌子和装备立了一个牌子,说“亨利太太教区II,内部。”(Affronted at the thought of having a relation in trade, Harry Parish's aunt disinherited him in favor of her cousin Eleanor Roosevelt.) Friends—not to mention friends of friends—enchanted by what she had done with her own house, appealed to her for help with theirs, and soon Sister Parish was out of the gate and off and running.

