


衣服在哪里,我唯一信任是巴黎世家的人,”玛丽·德·罗斯柴尔德说。“亨利·塞缪尔也是一样的装饰。”This encomium—which her cousin Edmond de Rothschild chose as a preface to the auction catalogue of Henri Samuel's collections at Christie's Monaco—speaks volumes for the elegance of this great designer. It was an elegance that was appreciated by the most demanding of clients, notably the Rothschilds, the Vanderbilts, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, Susan and John Gutfreund and the couturier Valentino, who entrusted the designer with his château at Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche, on the western side of Paris.




然而如果亨利·塞缪尔准备批准这样的繁荣,不仅仅是因为他有完美的味道也是完美的知识的各种风格和他们的历史。当杰拉尔德·范德坎普与他恢复帝国房间在1957年凡尔赛宫,这引起了很大的骚动;博物馆的贵族世界以前从未采取外部顾问。但是在这个项目和其他人亨利·塞缪尔在赋予的艺术大师的亲密在历史环境。的确,亲密是一个关键字在他的方案,并在识别人才,要求他在纽约大都会博物馆设计的场面调度Wrightsman Linsky捐款,和两个集合17和18世纪的装饰艺术。

“亨利·塞缪尔是我们最后的伟大的设计师之一,“承认古董经销商迪迪埃·亚伦,他的朋友和邻居。“他有一个无与伦比的天赋解释每一个时代在自己的特殊方式。”At the Château de Ferrières, he reconstructed the Second Empire at its most exuberant for Marie-Hélène and Guy de Rothschild. At the Château Margaux, an imposing Palladian structure built at the beginning of the nineteenth century in the heart of the Bordeaux region, he chose to evoke the First Empire with an atmosphere that was controlled without being austere. In the Paris apartment of Count and Countess Hubert d'Ornano, he recreated (with the countess) a fin de siècle ambience using yards and yards of fabric to drape doors and windows. He selected colors, fresh or somber, according to the orientation of the rooms and the qualities of their light.
