



当安娜贝拉Selldorf第一次看到她的客户的未来标准的1980年代束在一个田园城市远郊Manhattan-she北部有三个四字真言:“极其引人注目的丑陋。”The only charm she could discern in the property, apart from its spectacular site bordering a nature preserve, was as a location for《黑道家族》。什么是一个人造大卵石的被单外观;主浴室,可以作为保藏的金库;装饰线脚拉家得宝(Home Depot);灯在天花板下降;一个海绵的家庭房间雅致地画了山莓和阿月浑子;和一个目录和有色汽车玻璃温室吗?“我们不能把它下来了吧?”她恳求道。

但是她的客户的立场,相信有足够的结构完整性是救赎。他们同样相信Selldorf,纽约建筑师与现代主义严谨但人道的名声可以救赎的奇迹。“他们没有吓倒我的预订,”她感激地说。“我钦佩他们的勇气和蓬勃发展,项目的挑战他们的严厉的爱。妻子非常精力充沛的想法什么她想要在一个国家的房子:舒适和清晰不矫饰。因为我们都是相当有力的字符,我们一致认为,如果我们没有看法一致,我们既不应该妥协的原则。像好水手,我们满足,引导向第三个参考点。"The journey, apparently, was always bracing: a feat of mutually respectful teamwork.

忙碌的丈夫选择了一名乘客,行政人员包括四个女人:妻子,Selldorf,她的项目建筑师,Sara Lopergolo,米兰达和景观设计师,布鲁克斯。他们的第一个目标是理顺高飞布局;阳台和植物的理由;移动一个壁炉,封锁了视图;调整高度;重新配置门窗;和带的房间说:“无端哪些是礼貌,Selldorf挖苦道。

她早期的法令之一就是消除汽车从前面院子里——“这是郊区!”She then refocused the entrance, designing a luminous formal gallery wide enough for a baby grand piano and juxtaposing "very plain" white plaster walls with antique hemlock paneling. The same rich wood brings soul to the great room, where Selldorf used it for the steeply pitched ceiling and beams. While she didn't alter the original volume of this vast living and dining space, she tempered its severity with a bank of French doors, walls of white plaster, a Royère chandelier and a mantel of weathered pine. It now exudes the dignity of a Bauhaus chapel along with the warmth of a New England barn.

蜕变开始聚集的势头,Selldorf不时低browline旧屋顶屋顶和增加了孩子们的翅膀和一个玄关在农舍方言的筛选。她还创建了一个新的家庭入口被设想为“扩展寄存室,在深浅的苹果绿色,装有ultraspecific存储橱柜里。”All the fixtures in the original kitchen were scuttled and replaced with antique cherry countertops, custom cabinets of painted wood and an island surfaced in gleaming stone.


改造了一个相对的如果强烈的十八个月,Selldorf不得不开始设计内部,而建设仍处于“混乱”阶段。“一直是很难考虑软的东西当你面对困难的东西协调面料在你倒的基础。但是你必须,因为交货期。”Yet she loves "playing with textiles and color —the weirder the better," although weird is not the obvious adjective for this architect's palette. There are flashes of amber and turquoise, but Selldorf, like the Inuit, must have a hundred words for the nuances of snow white. Then there's green, from celadon to verdigris, and black, from beluga to slate. The master bedroom proves just how sensuous restraint can be. A window seat upholstered in charcoal cotton overlooks a pond; the plaid bedcovering is pashmina; Asian antiques—a Chinese armoire, a low table from the Philippines —mingle serenely with slipper chairs in tufted ivory velvet.

