





“通常我处理伊莱恩,他非常相关,跟着我去看一切,“保仍在继续。“但是有一天她说,尼尔与你单独挑选他的办公桌。”我说,我石化了。她说,不要。他很有趣。”他。在一天结束的时候他说,我要写一部关于你的生意。我甚至知道标题:16 - 18周永远,因为我想要的一切。”With the desk finally in place, Barman felt the empty wall behind it needed something. "So I asked Neil, Do you have any stuff to hang?' He said, I don't know.' And I said, Go try and find something.' He did, and I filled up the wall, thinking, Maybe he has opinions about where all these awards should go. But all he said was, Gosh, how nice all my things are here.' "

最初的顶楼,保解释说,“是一个彻头彻尾的灾难的20年代公寓与扭曲地板发霉的养兔场的房间。”(The sole remnant of the former space is the '60s chandelier hanging over the arched mirror in the entrance hall.) Today, thanks to its clean lines, white-stained plank floors, golden tones and heavenly views, the five-room space is suffused with a kind of unbearable lightness of being, as it were—away from it all ... warm, calm, serene. "This apartment is all about the spectacular views," says Barman, "from every window, including the dining room. Elaine wanted it to be that, of course, but also asked for banquettes so you could lounge." Or, in her husband's case, pile up papers. "Because Neil writes by longhand, on a pad, he's always concerned about where his papers are," says the designer. "And if they're not on his desk or dining room table, they invariably end up in piles on the banquette.

”周围的公寓是伊莱恩的感性和艺术,”酒保说,莫迪里阿尼指出,这对夫妇的20世纪的绘画作品的集合。“最好的展示,我们使用了一个中立的调色板,平衡colors-ruby强劲,紫水晶,sapphire-pulled画。”"John is a primary- color person, so I really had to fight him, because I'm so not that," chuckles Elaine Joyce Simon. "Taupe, blond, earth tones are what make me feel comfortable. The best thing about Neil is he's color-blind. So we get along perfectly." Nevertheless, her husband has "such a great eye," she says. "He's seen it all, knows when it's good. The other morning he woke up and said, I feel like buying a painting today,' and off we went looking. Both of us could sit in art galleries and libraries all day."


