虽然宾馆“比主屋要简单得多,”斯特恩说,它仍然有“各种经典瓦风格的细节。”A gazebo with a bell-shaped roof "highlights the location of the best view," Correll points out.




一些早期的瓦风格的房子,开始出现近一个半世纪以前,是建立在网站是被风吹的,原始和艰难,”建筑师罗伯特·m·斯特恩说。“原来这些房子只是坐在土地与自然,很少修改实际的网站。我喜欢这个房子,我们能够设计和建造类似崎岖的网站上并没有景观和软化其设置”。In the company of a smaller guesthouse, the house in question stands at the tip of a peninsula that extends two and a half miles into Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, with incomparable views in all directions. The low rise it sits upon is, in fact, the bunker of a World War II U.S. Navy surveillance station that remains buried on the site.

业主是一个波士顿夫妇(他是一个投资经理;她是一个律师)和一个年轻的孩子和两个已成年的儿子有自己的孩子。丈夫早先建立了一个房子在同一个地方但几年前决定把它拆掉,代之以一个房子足够大的大型集会的家人和朋友。当项目伙伴兰迪雷尔第一次显示客户的初步计划,他和斯特恩了,他们宣称,需要更大的房子。“这并不经常发生,”雷尔报告。“这将更可能为客户宣布我们已经做的太大,太贵,和告诉我们。”Because the dramatic location could well absorb a big house, the architects happily devised a larger residence in keeping with what the couple had in mind.


北部走廊,进入楼梯间,门厅,客厅,以一个八角形的早餐的房间和一个独特的圆形库在雷尔所说“lighthouselike塔”。"The library offers 270-degree views of Buzzards Bay," he says, and "has the most spectacular sunset and evening views." The domed ceiling is buttressed by mahogany beams, and the walls are paneled in horizontal mahogany boards "cut radially to the shape of the room, their surfaces convex to enhance the play of light and shadow."

利用自然光至关重要。的核心的房子,客厅里包含两个海湾、每双法式大门,导致一侧阶地和门廊。“我喜欢客厅双方因为它有光,”斯特恩说。“你可以坐在那里好几个小时,看着太阳移动。”Designed to accommodate several seating areas, the room is "the center of the owners' entertaining spaces," adds Correll, who designed the carved mantel with shells and mermaids, reinforcing the nautical theme that runs throughout the residence.

在客厅,主集由超过一半的第二个地板”观点通畅的水,”雷尔说。建筑师设计了一个cove-lit,隧道天花板为居室室内设计师,安妮·穆林Segerson画了“模仿天空。”The colorful yet peaceful room is decorated, as is much of the house, in shades of blue—blue stripes for window treatments, a blue floral rug, walls faux-finished in blue and silver. "The room turned out to be so happy and playful," says Mullin Segerson. Within the suite is a staircase that leads down to the circular library and up to the husband's study.

最低层,用于娱乐、锻炼有一个设备齐全的房间,两车道的保龄球馆,一个台球桌和酒吧的一艘船的船头。“保龄球馆是一个伟大的事情在一个房子在一个偏远的地方,”斯特恩说。“它让每个人都所有不同年龄的在一起。人们进入;他们把保龄球衬衫。”Informal seating areas are scattered about the floor. "The layout lends itself to the pleasures of groups of guests pursuing the various amusements offered," Correll explains.
