







脚下的time-haunted恩贡山,华纳发现的10英亩的阴谋”没有被砍伐,没有被削减,烧毁了土地是处女。”Bush babies and tree hyraxes talked to one another through the long African night, each to each; and the calls and cries of crested cranes, turacos, ibises, and bee-eaters were perfervid and otherworldly. Even the flowers that grew on the place were birds of paradise. "It was—it简单——伊甸园,”她说。

旅行指南和保育人士安东尼罗素才使具体化的幻想她——”他使我的房子建筑发生。”It was on an earlier project of his—the award-winning eco-tourist destination Shompole Lodge in the Great Rift Valley on the border of Tanzania, complete with its various prides of lion—that she had cut her interior decorating teeth ("I had a big hand in Shompole, a huge hand," she says). Warner's rectangular-shaped house is made out of locally quarried stone. "It was a little like building the Pyramids," she laughs. "I mean, we had非洲的石头和25很高兴和削弱坐在他们。”The output was enough for several other structures: three identical single-room hand-chipped-stone buildings (two guest cottages and a kitchen, aligned in a circle in the olive-tree-rimmed courtyard) and 10 stables. "I buy my horses young, right off the racetrack, and retrain them to show-jump," she offers. "One of them, Shackleton, has gone from unrideable to brilliant."

主要的房子是一层,包含三个房间。大房间是事实上colossal-54英尺长,宽40英尺。“我不想要一个门厅,”她解释说。“我希望的感觉大集中营——一个营地,营地是开放的。”As a consequence, one enters straight into high, whistling space—the ceiling is 26 feet at its peaked height. The doorways in both the great room and the dining room were far too big for conventional doors, so monumental ones had to be constructed (they're mahogany, framed by recycled Burmese teak). In the ballroom-size bedroom, it was the wall that had to be configured to accommodate the door: an exquisite mahogany-and-bone-inlaid affair that Warner picked up on a trip to India.

寻找服饰的她也来到思玉的斯瓦希里语解决拉姆群岛在东海岸的Kenya-she听说一些美丽的古董阿拉伯家具可能要出售。这个村庄被单桅三角帆船只能。她来到tide-magically高,在一个完整的月球和被村民们以极大的热情欢迎,承认他们没有收到在一年多的游客。“我就像一个油灯apparition-holding,沿着狭窄的街道。”On one of them she found the 19th-century daybed of her heart's desire, and sailed back with it in triumph on the returning tide. Today it complements the great room and is used for reading—"The very first book I read on it was生命不可承受之轻”。

