



我们,游艇的宾利,英超私人豪华机动游艇builder——这里指的是客户说的,这就是市场说。“So sayeth the president of Feadship America, Francois van Well—and with justification: The company, based in the Netherlands, employs a workforce of 1,400 to produce five superb megayachts a year ranging in size from 128 feet up.




桥面,就其本身而言,有一个休息室,可以转换,沉重的停电的帮助下窗帘,去电影院的房间。加上一个庞大的驾驶室的潇洒地操作(five-screen仪表板和它的两个翼控制站两边的桥)和任命。设计着眼于允许所有在船上有一个更好的导航的过程。“你当然觉得更舒服是当你拥有自己的游艇比当你只是宪章,”妻子说。“我们穿越了一个晚上,我们离开圣特罗佩和航行撒丁岛,我们坐在那里,andy船长刚刚,你知道,着迷于一切。”(Leave it to the sea-savvy Van Well to point out that秘密的尺寸最大的船港的圣特罗佩可以容纳最多二百英尺。”But wait a minute, what about those extra nine inches? "You've got to be a smooth captain," he laughs.)


业主把总部设计师吉姆·哈里斯。“我们有世界上所有的信心在他多年来他为我们做了14个地方和飞机,所以他当然理解我们的生活方式,“老婆,补充道,“我们生活在每一个我们的家。”Her preferences here would run to pickled walnut and other light finishes and to earth tones, with occasional splashes of color in the fabrics and art. Harris set about "implementing her taste," as he puts it. "Most yacht interiors look like an English library or a gentlemen's cigar club—the dark mahogany thing. The owners wanted something less pretentious. I mean, you do not have to这个船不能帮助但让人眼前一亮。”

当他第一次到达现场(阿姆斯特丹皇家Van借给船厂外),游艇仍在建设:“我看到钢船体和上层建筑铝约500人爬在它看起来就像一个巨大的蚁丘。”He was soon to discover that decorating a boat of this magnitude was a far more complicated business than outfitting any comparably sized house—"I practically lived on it for two years, but I never left the dock."

一些哈里斯购买。别人他设计自己:一个25英尺u型沙发电影院的房间;表,可以调整垂直和/或水平,包括餐桌胡桃木和风格的,是挂在上面,一个crimson-shaded nonswinging的吊灯,由坚实的干细胞,而不是传统的链。所有这些,再加上墙面板、橱柜和衣柜的门,被Feadship工匠定制的家具工厂附近。最后,一切都是fixed-what他们称之为“sea-fastened”——船。

室内装饰艺术的和谐组合,法国现代和当代。传统游艇设计在经典的凸嵌板模型,抬头所做的泡菜核桃(业主,他们的女儿,和贵宾包房都有他们在正方形网格黑色揭示——“jean - michel弗兰克是我的导师,”哈里斯说。light-splashed桥和阳光甲板,面板风格是创建一个更亲密的感觉,而在相对light-stinted下甲板客人套房漆白缎,部分覆盖在中性织物箔ebonized-walnut家具。

调色板neutral-handwoven米色定制的羊毛地毯是普遍的,和所有的布料都是羊毛,以免与视图。“每一天当你醒来,看到窗外,你可以有一个全新的vista,”哈里斯说。“你可能在法国南部,你可能会在意大利或者希腊群岛。这是你的真正的艺术,这是你的真正的装饰。”The most exciting exception to the color scheme is the royal purple that the daughter requested for her suede sofa and headboard. Her stateroom, the widest on the boat, also boasts a headboard wall completely covered with mirror-drop-pickled-glass beads. Perhaps not to be outdone, the bulkhead behind the headboard in her parents' stateroom is completely covered in mother-of-pearl (in the main-deck entrance hall there's yet another mother of a wall in the same pearl).

启动仪式发生在2006年12月,在船厂。业主带来了planeful朋友,甚至有一棵圣诞树在船头。“我的女儿和我打破了一瓶香槟,“妻子了。“他们有一小段绳子,然后你就放手波动和冲击船头,你希望它打破,因为它是应该给你带来好运。”Harris takes up the story: "Then they filled the slip she'd been built in with water, to see if her motors worked, and that was the first time she ever floated—she just floated up off the props—and then they blew the big horn." Shortly after this, poor秘密受到了一个星期的海上试航,”是相当混乱的。她正在测试,看看努力可能达到掠船长和船员工作她死。”Later a priest came and blessed the engines.

“我认为做一个这样大的船会很受限制,因为所有的技术面,”设计师坦白。但是限制自己可以作为热刺,最后他发现,“当你在游艇只受限于你的想象力。”So now that all has been said and done, how do the owners beguile their time on it? "We usually take 12 people with us," the wife says. "A routine day is you kind of get up, you know—have a little breakfast—everybody kind of works out in the morning—get a couple of hours of sun—eat a late lunch, at three or four, then go back out in the sun—maybe do water sports, which is always fun—and then just kind of piddle around until dinner."