



这是7月的第三重要的周末,一个阳光明媚的下午,微风起重云杉树和海雾的混合香气港口在罗克兰闪闪发光,缅因州。兴奋的居民排队的明亮的招牌下链剧院在大街上看到,Buster Keaton主演。无声电影会住音乐伴奏。剧院新建。门票25美分。






“我骄傲的是什么发生在大利好”马特·西蒙斯说,并反映在这个更新将温和Utah-born投资者和最近的《暮光之城》的作者在沙漠中接近激情。“但寄宿电影院只是一个广告牌说,我们是一个垂死的小镇。这太羞辱我。这是一个eyesore-like尸体在街上。”Simmons got in touch with his lawyer in Rockland and said, "Find out who owns it."

原来的链被相同的购买和关闭城外的人建立了一个通用的多路复用。这个房地产策略是可行的,所谓的“贸易管制”。As Simmons explains it, "It's illegal to shut something down in order to create a monopoly nearby for yourself."


这near-ruin剧院的购买价格是小,西蒙斯说,“所以附带它应该是零。”His mission from the beginning was to restore the Strand to its former glory. "We could have torn it down and put up a movie theater that looked like a movie theater—and it would have been way less expensive. But we think historical restoration is fabulous."

在西蒙斯看来,这种恢复是美国历史上回收的几代人。“我们知道这将是昂贵的,但如果你做得对,这真的很重要。”Donna Daly, hired by the Simmonses to be the theater's managing director and renovation coordinator, describes the Strand's architectural style as "a mix of Art Déco and town hall." It was not a dazzling movie house like those Simmons had seen in Santa Fe or elsewhere, but it was an important theater, one of the first in Maine, central to the town and a local landmark.

“但这是手头不宽裕,”西蒙斯说。他信任的项目经理,从一代又一代的缅因州石匠,检查外墙砖,说:“我知道坏砖当我看到他们。”Their poor quality had plagued the theater for years, because they were so porous they leaked. But if Simmons could not prove to the Maine Historic Preservation Commission that at least 50 percent of the bricks in the final building were original, he could not claim it as an authentic restoration project, and it would not qualify for a 20 percent tax credit.

外墙砖是不合适的,甚至不安全,“会被错误的方式。”Refusing to compromise, and hoping to create a test case for historic preservation, Simmons pressed on. "Once we said we were not going to use the old bricks, the Maine Historic Preservation Commission wrote us off and showed no further interest. But I'm determined to use this as an example, so that 40 other people don't have the same thing happen to them. If we can change the national law, that will really be exciting."

