



男人曾经告诉我,在她担任法国电影明星现在屏幕欧洲历史上最长的一个,只有两个晚餐客人在巴黎被认为是绝对的主要捕获:让·科克托,诗人死后1963年,伊夫·圣·洛朗。圣洛朗谷克多死一样,以前迪奥的首席设计师,已成为掌握自己的时尚品牌,创造了与他的业务经理和生活伴侣,Pierre Berge。圣罗兰的躁狂的创造力和坠入抑郁和药物助长了神秘环绕着他,直到他2008年去世——一个河岸的神秘感,一个精明的营销人,最近帮助利用润格林规模。它是正式的“伊夫圣罗兰et Pierre Berge”和非正式的“世纪拍卖。”Christie's and Pierre Bergé & Associés coproduced, and the big top was the cavernous glass-roofed Grand Palais exhibition space, constructed in 1900.

“他而普鲁斯特式的,但我还没有决定哪个角色,“Meredith Etherington-Smith说,伦敦一位经验丰富的艺术和时尚writer-editor,“我想他有他的生活的时候。”It was late in the evening, and we were watching Pierre Bergé once again assume his role before banks of photographers, television news teams and print media—just as in the YSL glory days of three decades before. The first of the sale days had ended, and the results were astonishing: seven world records broken, including those for Matisse, Brancusi, Mondrian and de Chirico. Bergé knew this was a very strategic moment: Five sessions remained, and the press from the first one would be extremely useful in prolonging the frenzy.



所有破碎的记录和夸张,房间里是“冷”。It wasn't just the winter air or the absence of floral arrangements. Or that black (which Saint Laurent helped make de rigueur) was the predominant color on stage and on the armies of demoiselles hired as security/usherettes for the event. (Relief came from the long red scarf draped over one shoulder of their smartly tailored jacket-and-skirt uniform.) Nor the mournful, tedious, taped Callas aria that began and ended each session (she was once in the YSL-Bergé circle). It's that the focus was strictly on "moving the merchandise." The rather tragic aura that surrounded the Saint Laurent-Bergé axis may have contributed to the darkness.

弗朗索瓦•法兰西学院的副总裁佳士得法国,是迄今为止最顺利的拍卖行。在虚情假意的音调,他会介绍最无关紧要的很多的咕咕叫,“有enormement d的好处”(“有巨大的兴趣”),和买家似乎下降策略。他处理平流层投标轻率地,不这样写,在赢得2830万美元收购一个艾琳灰色的椅子上,除了提到这是一个世界纪录。他迅速通过零星的掌声和嘈杂的《出埃及记》的主要席位后锤落在一个会话的明星很多。(这是那么明显,就好像圣罗兰自己离开了房间,该党peaked-never介意其他杰作。)
