



继续萎缩认为像一个厨师在创建她的纯天然空气清新剂。“类似于烹饪或创建一个配方,平衡是很重要的。我遵循同样的哲学时提出自己的新的气味。我喜欢花或辛辣的精油和添加一些森林的和甜的东西,像柑橘,均衡的混合。”For the holidays, she's leaning towards woodsy aromas. One of her favorite essential oil blends lately: three drops each of cinnamon, balsam fir and orange essential oils. Pour the mixture into a diffuser with distilled water (follow the directions on your specific model) and you're all set. Don't stop at just one fragrance; Watters likes to use certain combinations depending on the task at hand. "We have a bedtime blend that includes lavender, roman chamomile, and cedar wood oils. It smells calming and also promotes a good night’s rest. An oil blend we diffuse when wanting to purify the air as I clean up includes lemongrass, lemon, rosemary and citronella oils," she says. What new scent memories will you make?