Tour a Cool Beverly Hills Home that Is a Lesson in Living With What You Love

Interior designer Alex P. White brings soul, substance, and a dash of sex appeal to an airy Los Angeles abode

新购买后肠道impulse-when白色和his client were driving down Beverly Boulevard and spotted a pair of towering, textile-toppedMatthias Vrienslamps in the window ofAtelier MVM, they pulled over to snap them up that second. When they visitedMinjae Kim’s debut solo show at Marta galleryearlier this year, they purchased his fiberglass-and-lacquered teak chaise longue. “I am not driven by who is the trendiest, who is the best, what’s the resale,” the client says. “I never ask those questions. If it moves me, I buy it. If I love it, I buy it. If I get a feeling, I buy it.”

Pieces by current design stars—aRick Owenschair and a custom chandelier byLindsey Adelma—mix in with tried-and-true classics that the client had collected over the years. A metal inlaid 1970s cocktail table byJean Claude Dresseis a stunner in the library. Elsewhere, a suite of 1975Vladamir Kagandining chairs gathers around a table topped with the cult favorite design trophy of the early 2000s: Two shimmering SwarovskiTord Boontjechandeliers, purchased at the erstwhile design mecca,Moss. “I’ve taken those to four homes, and I told my daughter, Whether you like them or not, I’m giving them to you,” the client says with a laugh.

In the process of cataloguing his client’s vast collection, White found himself—more and more—shopping within what she already owned. That’s when they pulled out the Mackintosh chair, which was perfect for beneath the staircase. And they even came across a fabulous portrait of the client’s grandmother, who now casts a watchful gaze in the guest bedroom. That portrait mixes in with a serious collection of blue chip artwork by the likes of Lorna Simpson, Kara Walker, Vanessa Beecroft, and even Henri Matisse.

The house, these days, is filled with stories—stories of the things in it and the people who live among them. As White says, “It’s a love letter to my client—a complete reflection of her.” The client is as satisfied as she knew she would be: “There’s no room that you go into that you don’t feel at home.”